Meet Melisa


Melisa Zimmerman

Melisa was born in Western Oklahoma and spent the vast majority of her life there.  

She moved with her husband and daughter to Yukon in 2008.  She is the mother of 3 children, two of which are married and 6 grandchildren. She is very invested in her family.  

 Melisa received her Bachelor of Nursing Degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, OK in 1996.  She worked in the nursing field for many years which included her last position working for the OU College of Nursing for 9 years.  

 In 2007 she left nursing to join the staff of Victory Church in Warr Acres.  Where she served on staff as an associate pastor in charge of the Small Groups Ministry.  She provided oversight, leadership, training and mentorship of all of the more than 125 Small Group leaders.  She also loves the opportunity she has to teach classes that help Equip people to move into a more personal or deeper relationship with God.

 In 2013 Along with her husband Steven founded Bridge Builder Marriage Ministry.  This ministry is 501c3 organization that has as its purpose to improve the state of marriages in Oklahoma and throughout the nation.  She does this both as an ordained minister and Certified Life Coach.  She and her husband work with couples in all phases of relationship from pre-marriage to marriage in crisis.

She is also a published author, having published books, devotionals, and journal for women and couples.

 She is a conference speaker.  She speaks to women’s groups as well as at churches and other organizations.  Along with her husband, they provide marriage conferences to churches and events to promote Biblical marriage.